
Matériel du harcèlement

Le harcèlement sexuel

Document imprimé


  • A.P. Aggarwal, Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, (Butterworths Canada Ltd., 1992).
  • Ben Allen, Preventing Sexual Harassment on Campus: Policies and Practices for Higher Education, (The College and University Personnel Association, 1995).
  • John Lewis and Susan Hastings, Sexual Harassment in Education, (National Organization on Legal Problems of Education, 1994).
  • Catherine MacKinnon, Sexual Harassment of Working Women, (Yale University Press, 1979).
  • Peter Rutter, Understanding and Preventing Sexual Harassment, (Bantam Books, 1997).
  • Ellen Wagner, Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, (AMACOM, 1992).  


  • It's No Joke – Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. Friday Street Productions, phone 250-380-6656.
  • Sexual Assault: It's Criminal You Know. Laurentian University.
  • Taking Action. VICOM, phone 1-800-661-6552..
  • Understanding Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. Canada Law Book, phone 905-841-6472.




Le harcèlement personnel

Document imprimé


  • Seth Allcorn, Anger in the Workplace, (Quorum Books, 1994).
  • Andrea Adams, Bullying at Work – how to Confront and Overcome It, (Virago Press, 1992).
  • Emily S. Bassman, Abuse in the Workplace – Management remedies and bottom line impact, (Quorum Books, 1992).
  • Albert J. Bernstein, Emotional Vampires: Dealing with People Who Drain You Dry, (McGraw-Hill, 2001).
  • Carol Bly, Changing the Bully Who Rules the World: Reading & thinking about ethics, (Milkweed Editions, 1996).
  • Noa Davenport, Ruth Distler Schwartz and Gail Pursell Elliott, Mobbing – Emotional Abuse in the American Workplace, (Civil Society Publishing, 1999).
  • Richard V. Denenberg and Mark Braverman, The Violence-Prone Workplace: A new approach to dealing with hostile, threatening, and uncivil behavior, (Cornell University Press, 1999).
  • Tim Field, Bully in Sight – How to predict, resist, challenge and combat workplace Bullying, (Success Unlimited, 1996).
  • Angela Ishmael, Harassment, Bullying and Violence at Work, (The Industrial Society, 1999).
  • Paul McCarthy, Michael Sheehan, and William Wilkie, Bullying from Backyard to Boardroom, (Millennium Books, 1996).
  • Gary Namie and Ruth Namie, Bully Proof Yourself at Work!, (BoubleDoc Press, 1998).
  • Gary Namie and Ruth Namie, The Bully at Work (Sourcebooks, Inc., 2000).
  • Ginny Nicarthy, Naomi Gottlieb and Sandra Coffman, You Don't Have to Take It!, (Seal Press, 1993).
  • Peter Randall, Adult Bullying – Perpetrators and Victims, (Routledge, 1997).
  • Judith Wyatt and Chauncey Hare, Work Abuse – How to recognize and survive it, (Schenkman Books, 1997).


  • Bullying at Work – Combating Offensive Behaviour in the Workplace (BBC Enterprises Ltd., 1994). Distributed in Canada by International Tele-Film, 5090 Explorer Drive, Suite 301, Mississauga, Ontario L4W 4T9.
  • Harassment: Keeping It Out of the Workplace. Workwell Training Videos, phone 1-800-300-9323.




Le harcèlement en milieu d’enseignement supérieur


  • Paula J. Caplan, Lifting a Ton of Feathers, (University of Toronto Press, 1994).
  • Peter Emberley, Zero Tolerance, (Penguin Books, 1996).
  • John Fekete, Moral Panic: Biopolitics Rising, (Robert Davies Publishing, 1994).
  • Michele Paludi, Ivory Power, (State University of New York Press, 1990).
  • Carol Pearson, Donna Shavlik, and Judith Touchton, Educating the Majority: Women Challenge Tradition in Higher Education, (Macmillan Publishing Co., 1989).
  • Ed Stevens, Due Process and Higher Education: A Systemic Approach to Fair Decision Making, (The George Washington University, 1999).


  • Breaking the Silence: Working Toward Equity and Effectiveness in College Teaching, David and Myra Sadker.



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